RM Successfully Defeats Summary Judgment Motion; Suit Moves to Evidentiary Hearing

April 22, 2022

WhereverTV, represented by Adam Sanderson, Brett Rosenthal, and Pete Marketos, sued Comcast in August of 2018 claiming that the Xfinity X1 platform infringed on its Patent No 8,656,431. The X1 system includes an interactive menu that lets viewers choose live TV channel from a program guide, digitally record and playback programs as well as access streaming services. The judge’s order noted, “Per WTV’s expert, the X1 is ‘Comcast’s premier cable service’ and it ‘works the same way’ as the claimed invention.” Sanderson hailed the judges ruling, “We see it as a favorable outcome, but we know there is more to do. We look forward to the hearing and the chance to present our evidence.” Read more about the order here.